Thursday, May 17, 2007


Croatians are freakin HUGE! No shit, they’re all like 6ft. Even the women - amazons I tell ya!

Better looking (the men too Erin tells me) than most other Eastern Europeans as well.

Generally nice but not grinning idiots either. Most of them (unlike the French) get that 30% of their GDP comes from tourism so they tend not to shit on least when we are watching.

I still think its bullshit that they get a pass from the international community just because they have some nice beaches and islands. Its like someone said, "OK, I know, we did some horrible shit 10 years about but come on, look out the window! It’s beautiful! How can you stay mad at us?" and Kofi said, "You’re right, it is beautiful. Let’s never talk about the last decade again. Gelato anyone?"

Oh well, as they say (not here though) "se la vie"

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