Saturday, May 19, 2007

Last call

Probably my last post before I'm home. We catch a taxi in about 30 mins for the plane to London. Spend the night in London and then catch a flight home tomorrow.We did NOTHING today. Not a damn thing. Sat for damn near four hrs at a cafe on the main drag just watching people and thinking about the stuff we need to get ready to go to Rockport in just 6 days!

So Dubrovnik...neat place but we probably should have put it at the beginning of our trip. We slowed waaaaay down in Split so we knocked out the beach lounging there. In Hvar we had a ton of things to do - renting boats, renting scooters, etc. In Dubrovnik you pretty much have a half days worth of things to see and then just enjoy the town. But by the time we go there, we had done the whole slow down and watch thing so we kinda wondered what to do with ourselves for a while. Plus, you can’t get too relaxed when you know you're flying out in the afternoon.

The other strange thing is there are no souvenirs really to buy - nothing they’re really known for. Poland and Czech Republic had Vodka and Absinth, lace and wooden things. But here...shipbuilding and salt were their big exports...and last time I checked, salt was not in shortage in the old U.S. of A. That being said, we did what we could today and I think people will be happy. They better be anyway.

So, for the 170 people who read the blog, big thanks. Nice to have an audience. For the one person who made a comment (thanks Kev), thanks for remembering it’s nice to hear back.

Check back to the picture section soon for some "interesting" snap shots!

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