Ooohhh V for Vendetta kicks ass people!!! All of you need to stop what you're doing and go see it. The Wachowski brothers totally redeemed themselves after the last Matrix fiasco on this one! Very nice indeed. Plus, Natalie Portman has this who Little Bo Peep outfit going on at one point. Totally worth the price of admission right there.
Any hoo, where were weah yes, the IRA bar on St. Paty's day. So after the war hymn we decided we've seen enough and Matt and Paul hit the john while I watch the coats (and have another pint). About this time a few people start running towards the door and I realized there's a fight outside. Sweet!!! A St. Paty's Day fight in Dublin, Ireland at an IRA bar!!! So I say screw the coats and run outside to catch some action. Turns out it's our bartender tending to some unfinished business. Some girl decides to jump in the fray and try to break it up. It was just like out of the cartoons. A big whirling dust storm and someone gets spit out. Except she got spit out right into a road sign. BONG! Ouch! She gets up, looks a little dazed and starts talking shit to everyone who's just watching it. At this point, she's just noise in the crowd and everyone's watching the fight again. The bartender is not a big guy but man, this kid could scrap. They pull him off the guy twice, each time he puts his hands in the air until the guy on the floor gets back up and comes in for more. Dumbass. Two major rules in life: never start a land war in Asia and never pick a fight with an Irish Bartender (or publican and they're called here). After the second time the guy didn't get back up so quick and the fight was over. So at that point, I went back in, told Matt and Paul about it and we headed for the door. Oh yeah, but before we can leave the chick that got tossed into the road sign totally clocks the bartender. It was a cheap shot and he just took a swig of his Guinness like it was no big deal. Greatness.
So we leave the bar and head down to Temple Bar. It's Bourbon Street without the boobs and beads so not quite as good but still fun. It was here we again witnessed the extraordinary skill and patience of the Irish police. They were everywhere, sometimes being taunted, sometimes having rules broken right in front of them. But they just calmly would tell you not to do that or to calm down. Very cool cats baby. After about an hour of wishing there were fewer Americans in Ireland we headed back to our neighborhood. Paty's day in Ireland (or any predominantly Irish American neighborhood for that matter) doesn't stay going all night. They start as soon as they wake up but then turn in it around 11 or half 11. So by the time we walk back up to our IRA bar, it's locked down and we decided we've had a good run but we're showing signs of frost bit and need to turn it in. A treat time all together.
And before I go, a big shout out to all my Fightin' Texas Aggie basketball players out there! t.u. can suck it. So can all you other east coast pretty boy colleges that got knocked out in the first round. We're getting everybody back next year and we're gonna make all you over hyped jackasses pay! And then, we're gonna move Gillespie over to start coaching football. Gig 'Em Aggies, Aaayy Whooop!
Mark "red/green-ass" Mitchell
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